RnB is the soft underbelly of the music world, where everything is soft and seductive, here there is a running splash of gold and purple and blue and everything is as smooth as silk. During the day there is water and sunshine and weed, there is also a lot of green and sky and the haze of love without judgemeent hangs heavy and constant in the air. At night there is a lot of black skinned peeople wearing little clothes and plenty colors, in the air is dance, long, slow, tantalising dance, teeth flashing white against dark skin turned blue by the moonlight.
The music world is a place filled with people of all colors and tongues, people who have found a common ground in the rhythm. Artists are born belonging to this world, restless in the real world till they find thier rhythm, thier purpose, thier Ikigai. Here artist throw out new music like smoking firecrackers hoping to Infect the air with their music, hoping that it gets to the people who resonate, and while some firecrackers burn and flicker out, some burn hot and loud. So when in 2020 tems released her first EP for broken ears she burned loud and hot in the RnB world, she was a natural you could tell, there was something raw and unfiltered about her worship like sound delivered in her deep voice and rebelous aura, her ability to be gangster while still being a sensuos and bewitching black goddess. You could tell she was born to do this.
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A beautiful read again